laguna gloria
austin, tx
The opportunity was to research and analyze the historic landscape at the Austin Museum of Art, Laguna Gloria. The landscape gardens at Laguna Gloria were originally designed by Clara Driscoll in the 1920’s in the “Italianate” and “Picturesque” styles with an infusion of a unique Texas hill country vocabulary. The historic fabric of the gardens has deteriorated over time and new additions to the site have dramatically
altered historically significant landscape features. The solution was to develop a Cultural Landscape Report which included extensive research and analysis of historic documents and photography along with an assessment of existing conditions. The final product was the development of a report including a site history, existing conditions analysis and treatment recommendations for restoring the landscape. Drawings which depicted the historic layout existing conditions, and restoration recommendations were developed to accompany the report. The report is to be used as a guide for responsible stewardship of Laguna Gloria and its significant historic assets. It should also be used as a resource for future development, site usage and maintenance practices.